Pakistan Army Ranks

The structure of the Pakistani Army Ranks is similar to that of the British Army, but the ranks and marks of some personnel are different. Today I am going to give you information Pakistan Army ranks in this blog.


  • Second Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Colonel
  • Brigadier
  • Major General
  • Lieutenant General
  • General
  • Field Marshal


  •  Sepoy ( Sephahi )
  • Non _Commissioned Officer
  • Lance Naik
  • Naik
  • Havaldar
  • Junior Commissioned Officers (JCOs)
  • Naib Subedar
  • Subedar
  • Subedar Major
  • Commissioned Officers
  • Second Lieutenant
  • Lieutenant
  • Captain
  • Major
  • Lieutenant Colonel
  • Colonel
  • Brigadier
  • Major General
  • Lieutenant General
  • General
  • Field Marshal


  • Commissioned Officers
  • Junior Commissioned Officers
  • Non-Commissioned Officers

Each rank in the Pakistan Army has a different place for wearing the insignia, junior commissioned officers wear it on their shoulders, while non-commissioned officers wear their insignia on their arms, and CD officials also wear their insignia on the chest.

Why do some officers mark their rank on the chest and some officers on the shoulder? Why don’t they all mark their rank in one place? Today I am going to give you a detailed answer to this question. Also visit: b9 game and s9 game.


In Pakistan, the initial rank starts from sepoy, which ends at field marshal. Pakistani army salaries are different according to each rank. Every Pakistani institution’s salaries are given according to rank under (BPS).


Soldier ( Sepahi)

Sepoy is the starting rank of the army and it is ranked 5 according to (BPS).

Lance Naik

When a soldier is promoted, he attains the rank of Lance Naik and has a rank of 6 as per BPS. Lance Naik leads 10 soldiers.


When Lance Naik gets promoted he attains the rank of Naik, he has rank 7 as per BPS. Lance Naik is under Naik along with his 10 soldiers.


A Lance Naik, promoted from Naik is called Havaldar, he has rank 8 as per BPS. Every Havaldar has 3 Naiks under him. Alpha, Bravo, and Charlie, these 3 companies together form a unit or battalion. There are 8 Havaldars in a company, and one Havaldar whose performance is the best is made their master. 

This Master Havaldar is given full charge of the company to look after the soldiers’ jackets, helmets, guns, and food. Based on the good performance of this Master Havaldar he is given the rank of Battalion Havaldar. Now his burden is increased to gather information daily and send reports to his seniors. If a soldier wants to take a stick, he has to apply to the battalion havaldar.

Junior Commissioned Officers (JSOs)

Deputy Subedar

Naib Subidar is the lowest rank among the junior officers. After doing well in his studies and passing some tests, he is given the rank of Senior Havaldar, the rank of Naib Subedar is recognized by a belt and a crown and his pay is equivalent to (BPS) 14. The Naib Subedar has all The information available from the company’s Havaldar.


A person promoted beyond Naib Subidar is called Subidar, his crown is also increased, he has 2 crowns and a patti, and his pay is as per (BPS) 15.

Subedar Major

After the Subedar is promoted, he is given the rank of Subedar Major. In this rank, he also gets some special facilities, such as if his performance improves and he passes some tests, then he is promoted to Lieutenant or Major. 

This rank is also called the father of the battalion because he spends his entire life in that battalion. The rest of the commissioned officers are transferred every 2 years, but the Subedar stays there, so he has the complete information of the battalion. flaws, weaknesses, and strengths are identified. His pay is as per (BPS) 17.

Second Lieutenant

Second Lieutenant gets promotion in the Pakistan Army after 6 months. The rank of Second Lieutenant is equal to Pilot Officer of the Pak Air Force and Midshipman of the Pak Army. A crown is the recognition of a second lieutenant and his pay corresponds to (BPS) 17.


A Lieutenant carries the distinction of 2 crowns and has a pay scale of (BPS) 17. The rank of Lieutenant is equivalent to that of Sub-Lieutenant of Pakistan Navy and Flying Officer of Pakistan Air Force.


A captain’s job is to take complete care of a company in a unit and he has all the responsibility. We can recognize a captain by his 3 crowns but his pay is as per (BPS) 17. The rank of Captain is equivalent to the rank of Lieutenant in the Pakistan Navy and Flight Lieutenant in the Pakistan Air Force.


When a captain is promoted, he gets the rank of major with pay as per BPS_18. Major can control the army in the absence of a lieutenant colonel, the major is selected as an operations officer and the major is commissioned. It is of lower rank than an officer. Major is identified by a crescent and star.

Lieutenant Colonel

A Lieutenant Colonel commands an entire battalion. A Lieutenant Colonel is distinguished by a star and a crown. His pay is as per BPS_18. The rank of Lt. Colonel is equal to Commander of Pakistan Navy and Wing Commander of Pakistan Air Force.


Colonel is the senior rank of the army and is recognized by a crescent, 2 crowns, and a star. His pay is as per BPS_19 and the rank of Colonel is equivalent to Captain of Pakistan Navy and Group Captain of Pakistan Air Force.


Brigadier also known as One Star General is distinguished by one star, one crescent, 3 crowns. His pay is BPS_20 and his rank is Air Force Commodore and Pak Navy’s Commodore Rake is equivalent to 3 units to form a complete brigade over which the Brigadier has full authority.

Major General

A general has 3 divisions and a division includes 3 brigadiers. A major general is also called a 2-star general. His complete identification is a cross baton and a crown. Equivalent to rear admiral of the Navy.

Lieutenant General

A lieutenant general is also called a 3-star general, his full insignia consists of a star and a cross on the crest. A Lt. General commands a complete army corps. A corps consists of 3 divisions, but 2 corps are also in a division. Lieutenant General is equivalent to the Air Marshal of the Pakistan Air Force and Vice Admiral of the Pakistan Navy.


The rank of General is the highest, it is also called 4 Star General, a crest, a star, and a cross baton fully recognize it. Currently, Pakistan has 2 generals General Asim Munir is the Chief of Army Staff and General Sahar Shamshad Mirza is the Chairman of the Junior Chief of Army Staff. The rank of Army General is equal to Chief Marshal (ACM) of Pakistan Air Force and Admiral of Pakistan Navy.

Field Marshal

A field marshal is called a 5 star, his full recognition is a crescent star, 2 crossed batons and both are separated in an oak leaf wreath, and he is also called a field marshal. No one got it, but in the war of 1965, General Ayub Khan established himself as Field Marshal and General Musa was awarded the post of General. General Ayub gave lectures to groups of Iranian and Turkish army.

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